时间: 2018-09-18  李进     97



姓名:谢耘  学历:博士

地域:在京博士  专业:其他

谢耘 Yun Xie


PhD, Senior Engineer (Professor Level), Top Leaders in Science and Technology of the Capital, Chief Scientist of HNA Technology.



从事的行业有:国防电子,消费电子以及IT产品与IT软件集成服务。主持或参与的产品开发有某型号军用雷达,国内第一套电视数字加解扰系统,国内第一台基于Windows Mobile的掌上电脑,国内第一个智慧城市核心支撑系统等。在2002年,获得国家科技进步二等奖。2012年入选“科技北京”百名领军人才培养工程。(后改为首都科技领军人才培养工程)



Yun Xie earned his Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees respectively in 1986, 1988 and 1993 from Electronic Engineering Department of Tsinghua University. He was awarded Outstanding Graduates of Tsinghua University and Best Thesis for Master Degree of Tsinghua University respectively in 1986 and 1988. During his PhD period, he studied at Sydney University of Australia under the sponsorship of the Chinese government.

In his career, he worked on various roles, such as product design engineer, product management, technical management, enterprise business management and M&A.

Through all these years, the industries he worked in are quite diversified:

Defense electronics, consumer electronics, IT product and IT software services. The major product developments he led or participated included a military surveillance Radar system, first local developed TV digital scrambling/descrambling system, first local developed Windows CE based Palm size PC,first smart city core service supporting system in China. He was awarded Second National Award of Advances in Science and Technology in 2002. In 2012, he was selected as Top Leaders in Science and Technology of the Capital.

The largest scale of the enterprise he ever managed had a staff of 800. And his management experience includes managing a Joint Venture of USA, Japan and China. As a GM or CEO, he successfully turned two Digitalchina software companies to be profitable the first time in the company's history;As President of Digitalchina Smartcity business group, he made Digitalchina the leading company in China by successfully implementing Smartcity core  service supporting system he defined. Based on his work experience, he authored two books entitledandby CRU Press. Two books of him on IT industry:was produced by Tsinghua University Press,was produced by China Machine Press.

The major positions he held are: Deputy Chief Engineer of Beijing Leiyin Electronic Technology Ltd;Director of R&D division of Suman Group Ltd;Strategic and Technology Development Manager in Motorola SPS Technology-China;GM of R&D Beijing of Legend QDI;deputy GM of Legend Consumer Electronics Ltd; Deputy director of Legend Research;Deputy Director of Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Science;VP and CTO of Digitalchina (China) Ltd;GM of Digitalchina Software Ltd;Chairman and CEO of DGT Information Systems Ltd.;Director of Digitalchina Engineering Institute;President of Digitalchina Smartcity Business Group, etc.

标签: 其他 博士


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