姓名:蒋丹墀 学历:博士
地域:海外博士 专业:其他
蒋丹墀性别:男年龄:43出生地:贵州丹寨主要工作简历2005—至今:澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学工程学院高级讲师,博士生导师。2003-2005:澳大利亚国家信息与通讯技术有限公司研究员兼澳大利亚国立大学系统工程系研究员,博士生导师。1998-2003:加拿大多伦多。历任Daedalian Systems 程序分析员, Delano Tech. 应用系统分析员,多伦多市政府应用系统支持专家。1996-1998:香港中文大学自动化与计算机辅助工程系博士后研究员。1994-1996:澳大利亚国立大学系统工程系博士生。1990-1994:贵州大学数学系讲师。1987-1998:华东师范大学数学系硕士生。1980-1987:贵州大学数学系助教。1980-1984:武汉大学数学系学生。1975-1980:贵州省丹寨县丹寨中学学生。1970-1975:贵州省丹寨县城关一小学生。
主要著作、科研成果:发表几十篇论文在国际著名刊物及会议。详情见个人网页(http://fcms.its.utas.edu.au/scieng/eng/pagedetails.asp?lpersonId=2994)Research InterestsResearch interests include: Optimization in non-Euclidean spaces with application in computer vision, neuro-computing for optimizations, and optimal decision computing and learning.Optimisation in non-Euclidean spaces generalises standard optimisation methods from the 3-D space around us to more abstract spaces so that the complex geometric structures can be utilised to obtain efficient optimisation algorithms. One particular application is the design of MIMO antenna system for high speed wireless telecommunication systems. Neuro-computing for optimisation is a non-traditional approach that takes advantage of the powerful computing and learning capabilities of modern computers to solve optimisation problems. Such techniques can be widely applicable to control system design, signal processing, and system learning issues. Optimal decision computing and learning are concerned with how to obtain an optimal decision in noisy, uncertain or unknown, and changing systems using appropriate computing technology and devices. Possible applications include optimal routing in wireless ad hoc networks. UnitsKNE333 - Signals and Linear Systems KNE423 - Computer Systems Engineering Project KNE424 - Image Processing and Computer Vision KNE432 - Digital Communication Systems KNE434 - Computer and Data Networks Selected Publications:Y. Zhang, D. Jiang, and J. Wang, 2002, 'A recurrent neural network for solving Sylvester equation with time-varying coefficients ', IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 13, pgs. 1053-1063D. Jiang and J. Wang, 2002, 'Augmented gradient flows for on-line robust pole assignmentvia state and output feedback ', Automatica, vol. 38, no. 2, pgs. 279-286D. Jiang and J. Wang, 2000, 'On-line learning of dynamic systems in the presence of model mismatch and disturbance', IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol.11, no.6, ,pgs. 1272-1283D. Jiang and J. Wang, 2000, 'A recurrent neural network for on-line design of robust optimal filters', IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - Part I: Fundamental Theory andApplications, vol. 47, no. 6, pgs. 921-926D. Jiang and J. Wang, 1999, 'A recurrent neural network for real-time semidefinte programming', IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 10, no. 1, pgs. 81-93专长、爱好:阅读,垂钓,旅行。
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