时间: 2009-09-29  管理员     1506



  姓    名: 向宏军 性    别: 男  
  出生年月:   民    族: 土家族 
  毕业院校: 北京交通大学 

  通讯地址: 北京交通大学土木建筑工程学院综合实验楼518室 

1998-2002 北方交通大学 本科
2002-2007 北京交通大学 提前攻博,博士
2006.3-2006.9 香港城市大学 合作研究 RA 


  8. Xiang Hongjun and Shi Zhifei. Static analysis for multi-layered piezoelectric cantilevers, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2008, 45(1): 113–128

7. Xiang Hongjun and Shi Zhifei. Electrostatic analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric cantilevers, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,2007, 18(7):719-726

6. J Yang and H J Xiang. A three-dimensional finite element study on the biomechanical behavior of an FGBM dental implant in surrounding bone. Journal of Biomechanics,2007,40(11):2377-2385

5. J Yang and H J Xiang. Thermo-electro-mechanical characteristics of functionally graded piezoelectric actuators. Smart Materials and Structures, 2007, 16: 784–797

4. Shi Zhifei, Zhang Taotao and Xiang Hongjun. Exact Solutions of Heterogeneous Elastic Hollow Cylinders, Composite Structures, 2007, 79:140-147

3. Shi Zhifei, Xiang HongJun and B. F. Spencer, Jr. Exact analysis of multi-layer piezoelectric/composite cantilevers, Smart Materials and Structures, 2006 15: 1447-1458

2. Xiang Hongjun, Shi Zhifei and Zhang Taotao. Elastic Analyses of Heterogeneous Hollow Cylinders. Mechanics Research Communications,2006,33:681-691

1. 向宏军, 石志飞.梯度功能压电材料的一组参数识别.北京交通大学学报(自然科学版),2006,30(1):30-34+39



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