时间: 2009-09-29  管理员     1394



 Curriculum Vitae


Yantao Li


Ph. D.
Department of Botany, the University of Hong Kong (HKU), Hong Kong, 2007.
B. S.
Department of Biology, Nanjing University, Nanjing, P.R. China, 2002

Sep. 1998 ~ Sep. 1999    Renmin Scholarship, Nanjing University
Sep. 2002 ~ Dec. 2006    Postgraduate studentship, HKU
Jan. 2003 ~ Oct. 2003 I was the associate captain of the soccer team of Postgraduate Student Association of HKU.
Mar. 2003 ~ Oct. 2003 I was a member of the Executive Council of Postgraduate Student Association during my first year of post-graduate study at HKU. As the Membership Officer, my responsibility was to introduce Postgraduate Student Association to all students in HKU, organize several major activities and recruit new members.

Jan. 2007 ~now
HKU, Hong Kong, P.R.China
Feb. 2006 ~Dec. 2006
HKU, Hong Kong, P.R.China.
Jan. 2004 ~ Jan. 2006
Arizona State Univ. (ASU), Tempe, AZ, USA
Mar. 2003 ~ Dec., 2003
I worked as a Post-doctoral Research Assistant I on the glucose-induced carotenoid biosynthesis in the green alga, Chlorella zofingiensis.
I worked as a teaching assistant in teaching and grading the undergraduate lab practical classes, Fermentation biotechnology and Food Processing and Packaging - freeze drying and spay drying.
My research was a collaborative project between HKU and ASU to elucidate the role of carotenoid biosynthesis in response of the green alga, Haematococcus pluvialis to environmental stress conditions. Expression of genes encoding enzymes involved in carotenoid biosynthesis and several other important antioxidative enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and plastid terminal oxidase (PTOX) was monitored by real time reverse transcriptase PCR. Combined with classical physiological and biochemical methods, the rate limiting step in the carotenoid biosynthesis of this organism was identified, and possible role of carotenoid biosynthesis was proposed.
I was engaged in studying production of astaxanthin byNeochloris wimmeri, Protosiphon botryoids and Haematococcus pluvialis in flask and batch cultures. The growth and pigment profiles of the three algae were studied under optimal and stressful conditions. Protosiphon botryoids was found to produce highest biomass, while highest content of astaxanthin was produced by Haematococcus pluvialis
Sep. 2002 ~ Feb., 2003
I was directed to study the growth and pigmentation of microalgae in mixotrophic and heterotrophic cultures, and the relationship between substrate inhibition and maintenance energy. Besides, I worked as a teaching assistant in teaching/grading the undergraduate lab practical classes of Food Technology, and Food Processing and Packaging - Pasteurization of milk.
Sep. 1998 ~ Jun. 2002
Dept. of Biology,
Nanjing University
My bachelor thesis was focused on how dietary of polyunsaturated fatty acids extracted from traditional Chinese plants influenced the learning ability of aged rats.

Yantao Li, Milton Sommerfeld, Feng Chen and Qiang Hu, 2006. Effects of Photon Flux Density on Carotenogenesis in Haematococcus Pluvialis (Chlorophyceae): Comparison between Wild Type and Astaxanthin-Overproduction Mutant. In the 60th meeting of Phycological Society of America, 6-12 July, 2006, Juneau, Alaska, USA. Meeting abstract (poster and oral presentation).
Junchao Huang, Jin Liu, Yantao Li, and Feng Chen. Isolation and characterization of the phytoene desaturase gene as a potential selective marker for genetic engineering of the astaxanthin-producing green alga Chlorella zofingiensis. Journal of Phycology (In press).
Yantao Li, Milton Sommerfeld, Feng Chen and Qiang Hu. Multilevel protective mechanisms of the astaxanthin biosynthesis pathway against oxidative stress in Haematococcus pluvialis (Chlorophyceae). Journal of plant physiology (In revision).
Yantao Li, Milton Sommerfeld, Feng Chen and Qiang Hu. Effect of photon flux density on carotenoid biosynthesis in Haematococcus pluvialis (Chlorophyceae): A comparative study between wild type and an astaxanthin- overproduction mutant. Physiologia Plantarum (submitted).
Zhengyu Hu, Yantao Li, Milton Sommerfeld, Feng Chen and Qiang Hu. Enhanced protection against oxidative stress in an astaxanthin-overproduction Haematococcus mutant. Journal of Phycology (submitted).
Yantao Li, Junchao Huang, Gerhard Sandmann, and Feng Chen. Glucose-induced expression of carotenoid biosynthetic genes in the dark is differentially regulated by glucose sensing and the mitochondrial respiratory chain in the astaxanthin-producing green alga Chlorella zofingiensis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. (submitted).



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