时间: 2016-08-31  管理员     1292





















1999.9-2003.6    中国农业大学农学系本科生

2003.9-2005.6    中国农业大学作物栽培学硕士生

2005.9-2008.7    中国农业大学作物栽培学博士生,毕业论文《直播旱稻播量对产量影响和稀播条件下分蘖发生及成穗规律》

2010.2-2011.12    以色列巴依兰大学土壤生态学博士后



四、 承担项目



1. Yu J., Unc A., Zhang X., Steinberger Y.*, 2016. Responses of the soil microbial catabolic profile and diversity to vegetation rehabilitation in degraded semiarid grassland. Applied Soil Ecology, 101:124-131.

2. Yu J.*, Guan P., Zhang X., Ma N., Steinberger Y., 2016. Biocrusts beneath replanted shrubs account for the enrichment of macro and micronutrients in semi-arid sandy land. Journal of Arid Environments, 128:1-7.

3. Yu J., Glazer N., Steinberger Y.*, 2014. Carbon utilization, microbial biomass, and respiration in biological soil crusts in the Negev Desert. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 50:285-293.

4. Yu J., Grishkan I., Steinberger Y.*, 2013. Microfungal-community diversity in Zygophyllum dumosum and Hammada scoparia root zones in the northern Negev Desert. Journal of Basic Microbiology, 53:390-400.

5. Yu J., Kidron G.J., Pen-Mouratov S., Wasserstrom H., Barness G., Steinberger Y.*, 2012. Do development stages of biological soil crusts determine activity and functional diversity in a sand-dune ecosystem? Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 51: 66-72.

6. Yu J. and Steinberger Y.*, 2012. Soil microbial metabolic profiles in two geomorphological units in a semistable sand-dune ecosystem. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 45:71-78.

7. Yu J. and Steinberger Y.*, 2012. Vertical distribution of soil microbial biomass and its association with shrubs from the Negev Desert. Journal of Arid Environments, 78:110-118.

8. Yu J., Grishkan I., Sherman C., Steinberger Y.*, 2012. Spatiotemporal variability of cultivable microfungal communities inhabiting playa in the western Negev Desert, Israel. Journal of Arid Environments, 81:9-17.

9. Yu J. and Steinberger Y.*, 2012. Spatiotemporal changes in abiotic properties, microbial CO2 evolution, and biomass in playa and crust-covered interdune soils in a sand-dune desert ecosystem. European Journal of Soil Biology, 50:7-14.

10. Yu J. and Steinberger Y.*, 2011. Vertical distribution of microbial community functionality under the canopies of Zygophyllum dumosum and Hammada scoparia in the Negev Desert, Israel. Microbial Ecology, 62:218-227.

11. Bao X., Yu J., Liang W.*, Lu C., Zhu J., Li Q.*, 2015. The interactive effects of elevated ozone and wheat cultivars on soil microbial community composition and metabolic diversity. Applied Soil Ecology, 87:11-18.

12. Guan P., Zhang X. *, Yu J., Ma N., Liang W. *, 2015. Variation of soil nematode community composition with increasing sand-fixation year of Caragana microphylla: Bioindication for desertification restoration. Ecological Engineering, 81:93-101.

13. Pen-Mouratov S.*, Shukurov N., Yu J., Rakhmonkulova S., Kodirov O., Barness G., Kersten M., Steinberger Y., 2014. Successive development of soil ecosystems at abandoned coal-ash landfills. Ecotoxicology, 23:880-897.



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