徐 捷,贵阳人,南大本科,后再美国西北大学获博士学位,现在乔治梅森大学教授。
个人主页介绍: mason.gmu.edu/~jxu13/
I am an Associate Professor with the Department of Systems Engineering & Operations Research at George Mason University. I am recruiting motivated Ph.D. students with background in probability, statistics, and/or optimization, and strong C/C++/Matlab (or a similar language) skills. If you have applied to our program and are interested in my research, you may contact me with your resume and transcripts. My research focuses on stochastic optimization via simulation and its implementation in high-performance and cloud computing environment, robust data-driven decision making and uncertainty quantification, rare event simulation, and computational intelligence. The application areas of interest include revenue management, risk management, power networks, data centers/cloud, health care, and production planning. Together with Professor Barry L. Nelson and Professor L. Jeff Hong, we developed the discrete optimization via simulation solver Industrial Strength COMPASS (ISC). ISC can be downloaded here. Prior to joining George Mason, I was a Senior Analyst, Finance-Operations Research with United Ailrines, working on the R&D of revenue management, loyalty program, and market demand forecasting. I also worked as a summer intern at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center on risk management for new product development portfolio investments, and supply chain optimization at IBM China Research Lab. I received my Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences from Northwestern University in December 2009.
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